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Sturgis Rally 2017 Statistics

Have you been to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally?  Wonder how it stacks up compared to other years?  Here are some key statistics so that you can compare year over year numbers starting with the 75th Anniversary.


Estimated attendance

2015 – 739,000

2016 – 448,000

2017 – official count TBD


DOT Traffic counts

2015 – 510,749

2016 – 329,789

2017 – 311,937


Marriage Licenses Issued in Sturgis

2015 – 122

2016 – 49

2017 – official count TBD


Traffic Violations

2015 – 212

2016 – 422

2017 – 147


Traffic Arrests

2015 – 155

2016 – 152

2017 – 147


Rally Related Fatalities

2015 – 15

2016 – 3

2017 – 8


Do you go to the Sturgis Rally every year? Have you noticed the different trends from year to year?


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